Continual Transcendence

Bujinkan Ninjutsu delivers Belief Breaking Results (BBR) sessions that offer participants Wisdom For Life. What sets Bujinkan Ninjutsu from normal martial arts is the systems ability to challenge a practitioner on all levels from Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. At BNMD we understand the connection between these things and that by developing one you influence the other. As such we also deliver BBR sessions where we sit and speak about Hatsumi Sensei’s words to develop a higher insight into the art. These sessions are similar to a Zenmondo question and answer session between teacher and student in Buddhism to develop divine insight to see universal truth. These sessions will

  • Challenge and break beliefs that stop you from moving forward.
  • Develop higher levels of Self-awareness.
  • Cultivate a universal perspective.
  • Plus much much more.

Bujinkan Ninjutsu is a powerful journey of self-discovery and is not for the faint hearted. To be able to identify your own belief barriers that are holding you back and then going a step further and breaking those beliefs takes true character. I recommend these BBR sessions to any one who wishes to continually develop.

Enter the Path of the Divine Warrior


If you are looking for a Martial Art in Brisbane look not further. This is a "complete" Martial Art based around natural movement and flow. As you go through the curriculum at Bujinkan Ninjutsu Brisbane you will become more "aware of yourself" so you can see where your own condition responses are getting in the way of you achieving what you really want in life. While you will learn all the things you would expect from a normal Self Defense school you will also come to realise that real defense you need to learn if from yourself.

"A real Ninja is someone who is in control of their Body, Mind and Perception of Right and Wrong."


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