Conversations With the Universe

Bujinkan Ninjutsu is truly a unique martial art. Unlike the conventional or sports martial skills that can be learned by the body and brain in a relatively short period of time, the total life skills of Bujinkan Ninjutsu are acquired through a lifetime of diligent training, observation and personal development that takes a practitioner far beyond the qualities of a mere human fighting machine and moves him or her forward to a state of enlightenment.

In the late Grandmaster Takamatsu sensei’s words Bujinkan Ninjutsu training is the “continual development of ourselves as human beings”.

Training will consist of:

  • Taijutsu (unarmed body movements/arts) – Sanshin, Kihon Happo and the densho from the various schools.
  • Weapons – In Bujinkan Ninjutsu we utilize all types of weapons, especially hidden weapons. The most common weapons we use are, swords, bo, knife, chains, ropes, shirikan, naginata and yari (spear).
  • Mindset – the concepts and ideas or the “mindset” taught and learnt through Bujinkan Ninjutsu training has universal application. In other words the principles you learn in the dojo can and should be applied and used in your everyday life. 

All training at Bujinkan Ninjutsu Brisbane Dojos is based around the most recently gathered information from Japan, it is important to us that we stay connected and inline with the most up to date information from Grandmaster Hatsumi sensei and the top shihan.

Most importantly Bujinkan Ninjutsu training is for fun, enjoyment and continual development.

Enter the Path of the Divine Warrior


If you are looking for a Martial Art in Brisbane look not further. This is a "complete" Martial Art based around natural movement and flow. As you go through the curriculum at Bujinkan Ninjutsu Brisbane you will become more "aware of yourself" so you can see where your own condition responses are getting in the way of you achieving what you really want in life. While you will learn all the things you would expect from a normal Self Defense school you will also come to realise that real defense you need to learn if from yourself.

"A real Ninja is someone who is in control of their Body, Mind and Perception of Right and Wrong."


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